Advantages of choosing multi-head or multi-spindle CNC Router:

Advantages of choosing multi-head or multi-spindle CNC Router:

It is mainly designed for customers who require large batches and small workpiece processing. It is also more suitable for processing cabinet doors, art relief screens, craft windows, relief craft gifts, solid wood art murals, woodworking calligraphy carvings, art photo frames, electrical cabinet tops, sporting goods equipment, violin curved surfaces, non-ferrous metal carving and cutting And other products in many industries.

In batch processing, the product must have very good consistency and high quality, which greatly reduces the purchase cost of production equipment, and one machine with multiple functions is economical and affordable.

Multi-spindle CNC Router and multi-head CNC Router can work on the same pattern at the same time, which can better improve the processing speed. The same time can also complete the work efficiency of multiple devices. Of course, in some cases where the processing volume is not large, it is also possible to realize the independent work of a single spindle, effectively and reasonably controlling the production cost.

Post time:January-05-2023