CO2 laser cutting machine

What is a CO2 laser cutting machine?

CO2 laser cutting machine is a CNC laser for cutting and engraving materials, which adopts CO2 laser technology for cutting and engraving. Since CO2 laser cutting machines can also engrave, CO2 laser cutting machines are also called CO2 laser engraving machines or CO2 laser engraving machines. Also, some are called wood laser cutters or acrylic laser cutters.

CO2 laser cutters use a focusing lens that focuses on the surface of the material to melt the material. At the same time, the compressed gas equipped with the machine blows the molten material away. The laser beam moves along a certain path, forming a certain shape of the slit. Then complete the cutting process.

Advantages of CO2 laser cutting machine:

Fast cutting speed, high cutting efficiency, small heat-affected zone, narrow kerf, suitable for cutting non-metallic materials, no direct contact with the processing material, not limited by the shape of the cutting material

Post time:June-01-2022