How to improve accuracy during laser cutting machine processing

In addition to the quality of the laser beam spot, the accuracy of the laser cutting machine machine tool determines the processing accuracy of the equipment to a large extent. It can be said that the higher the accuracy of the equipment machine tool, the higher the cutting accuracy.

The greater the thickness of the workpiece, the lower the accuracy and the greater the slit. Since the laser beam is tapered, the slit is also tapered, and the thickness of 0.3mm material is much smaller than the slit of 2mm. The material of the workpiece has a certain influence on the accuracy of laser cutting. In the same situation, the cutting accuracy of different materials is slightly different, even if it is the same material, if the composition of the material is different, the cutting accuracy will be different.

So, how to improve accuracy during laser cutting?

One is the focus position control technology. The smaller the focal depth of the focusing lens, the smaller the focal spot diameter, so it is very important to control the position of the focal point relative to the surface of the material to be cut.

The second is cutting perforation technology. Any kind of thermal cutting technology, except for a few cases, which can start from the edge of the board, generally a small hole must be drilled in the board. Earlier on the laser punching compound machine, a punch was used to punch out a hole, and then a laser was used to start cutting from the small hole.

The third is nozzle design and air flow control technology. When laser cutting steel, oxygen and a focused laser beam are shot through the nozzle to the material to be cut, thereby forming an air stream. The basic requirement for air flow is that the air flow into the incision should be large and the speed should be high, so that enough oxidation can make the incision material fully carry out the exothermic reaction; at the same time, there is enough momentum to spray the molten material out.

The workpiece processed by the laser cutting machine has no burrs, wrinkles, and high precision, which is better than plasma cutting. For many electromechanical manufacturing industries, because the modern laser cutting system of the microcomputer program can easily cut workpieces of different shapes and sizes, it is often preferred to the punching and molding processes; there is no need to repair the mold, and it saves the time to replace the mold. It saves processing costs and reduces product costs, so it is more economical in general.

Post time:November-18-2021