How to adjust the lens of laser cutting machine?

The laser cutting/engraving machine refers to an advanced equipment that uses lasers to engrave materials that need to be engraved. Laser engraving machine is different from mechanical engraving machine. Laser engraving machine refers to the use of laser heat to engrave materials. The core component of the laser engraving machine is the laser. Laser engraving machines can be divided into metal laser engraving machines and non-metal laser engraving machines according to the processed materials. Kitchenware metal sheet cutting, advertising characters, large format truncation, clothing proofing, leather industry, shoe industry, decoration industry, furniture industry, packaging and printing industry, model industry, craft gift industry, etc. are all the application industries of laser engraving machine. Sheet metal, acrylic, plexiglass, glass, cloth, leather, paper, bamboo and wood products, film, canvas, etc. are the application materials for laser cutting machines.

How to adjust the lens of laser cutting machine?


What is the lens for laser cutting machine?

Laser engraving machine lenses are divided into reflective lenses and focusing lenses, which are used to focus and reflect the laser.

How to adjust the lens of laser engraving machine?

Step 1: Adjust the laser current of the engraving machine to less than 5, so that the laser power should not be too strong;

Step 2: Put the dimming paper in front of the first lens, lightly press the test switch with your hand (press and release immediately, you can see the laser spot on the dimming paper), and see if the spot falls on On the first lens (preferably the middle), if the lens can be found, this step is completed on the first lens. If the lens cannot be hit or the lens is deflected, you need to adjust the position or height of the laser tube to meet the above standards.

Step 3: Adjust the optical path between the first lens and the second lens. First put the laser paper in front of the second lens, push the guide rail to the position (a) in the figure, click a test switch to see the spot position. Next, pull the guide rail to position (b) and click the test switch to see if the positions of the two spots overlap. If they overlap and the spot position is within the lens, the light path between lenses 1 and 2 is correct; if they do not overlap, you need to adjust the adjustment screw on the frame behind lens 1 to adjust the two points together.

The fourth step: the adjustment of the optical path between lenses 2 and 3. First push the laser head to the position (c) in the figure, and put the dimming head in front of the small hole of the laser head / lightly press the test switch to look at the light class, then push the head to the position (d), and press it again Test the switch to see if the two marks overlap. If they overlap and the two spots are within the small holes of the laser head, the light path is correct; if they are not the same point, you need to adjust the adjustment screw on the back of the frame 2 to adjust it. The above standards. Note: The principle of optical path adjustment between lens 1, 2 and 2, 3 is the same.

Step 5: Adjust the light path between lenses 3 and 4 (one step close to Jian). First remove the lens, put the glossy paper under the laser head and click the test switch to see if the light spot hits the dimming paper in the middle. If it is exactly in the middle, the light path is positive; if the spot is to the right, the laser tube is too low; if the spot is to the left, the laser tube is too high; in these two situations, you need to adjust the height of the laser tube to solve the problem. If the light spot is inside or outside, you need to move the position of the laser head (there are three screws on the laser head, and the inside and outside of the laser head can be adjusted by these three screws) to achieve the purpose of adjusting the optical path.

Step 6: Install the lens, and the adjustment of the light path is completed.


The principle of light reflection, etc., the first-time debugger must follow the instructions, and if necessary, consult the technical staff. In addition, the laser has a certain burn ability and is invisible, so you must pay attention to safety when adjusting the light path.

How to clean the lens?

First, use an air ball to blow off the floats on the surface of the element, especially the lens with tiny particles and floccules on the surface. This step is necessary. But do not use compressed air on the production line, because the air will contain oil and water droplets, which will deepen the pollution of the lens.

In the second step, use acetone (or alcohol, preferably acetone) to clean the lens lightly. This grade of acetone is almost anhydrous, which reduces the possibility of lens contamination.

The cotton ball must be dipped in acetone and the lens must be cleaned under light and moved in a circular motion. Once the cotton swab is dirty, it must be replaced. The cleaning should be done at one time to avoid the formation of crevices.

If the lens has two coated surfaces, such as a lens, each surface needs to be cleaned in this way. The first side needs to be placed on a layer of clean lens paper for protection.

If acetone cannot remove all the dirt, then use acid vinegar to clean it. Acid vinegar cleaning uses the dissolution of dirt to remove dirt, but it will not cause damage to the optical lens. This acid vinegar can be experimental grade (diluted to 50% strength), or white vinegar with 6% acetic acid for household use. The cleaning procedure is the same as that of acetone, and then acetone is used to remove the acid vinegar and dry the lens. At this time, the cotton ball should be changed frequently to completely absorb the acid and hydrate.

What are the precautions for the use of laser engraving machine lenses?

1. Do not install the lens with bare fingers, but wear finger cots or rubber gloves.

2. Do not use sharp instruments to avoid scratches on the surface of the lens.

3. Do not touch the film when taking the lens, but hold the edge of the lens.

4. The lens should be placed in a dry and tidy place for testing and cleaning. There should be several layers of cleaning paper towels or wipes, and several sheets of cleaning tissues.

5. The user should avoid talking above the lens, and keep food, beverages and other potential contaminants away from the work environment.


If you want proferssional laser cutting machine manufacturer,please just feel free to contact us.

Post time:May-07-2021