How to choose the right plasma cutting machine?

In order to convenient the customer to choose the plasma machine correctly, we have listed a few points as below for reference:

1. Determine the thickness of the metal you are most often cutting;
The first factor that needs to be determined is the thickness of the metal that is usually cut. Most plasma cutter power supplies are sized by cutting ability and current size. Therefore, if you are usually cutting thin metal, you should consider a low-current plasma cutting machine. Also, although small machines cut a certain thickness of metal, the quality of the cut may not be guaranteed. Conversely, you may also get almost no cut through, leaving behind unused metal residues. Each machine will have a set optimal cut thickness range – make sure the settings are suitable for your requirements. In general, plasma cutting machine selection must be based on the limit cutting thickness multiplied by 60-80%, so that this device is the normal thickness of cutting (to ensure the cutting effect, the best price). Of course, the thinner the cutting effect and the faster the speed, the thicker the cutting effect and cutting speed will be reduced, and the lower the economy.

2. Select the load continuation rate of the equipment;
If you are going for a long cut or an automatically set cut, make sure to check the machine’s duty cycle. The duty cycle of the load is simply the duration of the operation of the equipment until it is overheated and requires cooling. The workload persistence rate is usually determined by a percentage of a standard of 10 minutes. for example. A 100-amp current of 60% duty cycle means that you can continue cutting for 6 minutes (100% for 10 minutes) at a current output of 100 amps. The higher the workload cycle, the longer you can continue cutting.

3. Does this machine provide the option to start at high frequencies?
Most plasma cutters have a pilot arc that uses high frequencies to direct current through the air. However, high frequencies can interfere with nearby electronic devices, including computers. Therefore, it can be quite advantageous to eliminate these high-frequency potential problems.

4, comparison of loss and life;
There are various external parts on the plasma torch that need to be replaced. Usually we call them consumables. The machine you need to look for should be the least consumable. Less consumables means cost savings. Two of them need to be replaced: electrodes and nozzles.


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Just feel free to contact CAMEL CNC sales,they will guide you to chose right machine.

Post time:November-12-2020