How to design drawings by RUIDA control system


more and more people would like to buy laser cutting machine for cutting wood or acrylic, usually the main problems is that they don’t know how to use its control system-RUIDA.

First, software support file formats:

Secondly, if you want to use RUIDA software , you must make th following preparations:

Thirdly, open software, you will see the interface:
you must be very fimiliar with each figure so that you can be easy to operate. and then according to the parameter factory will offer you, you need to set parameters before starting work.
Ruida software has many functions, such as file import, file export,Image Library, Basic graphics creation,etc. today I first introduce Object Selection.
When the object is being selected, in the center of this object will have a shaped mark“×”,and surrounded by eight control points.
Click menu【Draw】->【Select】,or click Edit Bar 4,switch to“Select”status. Under this status,you can select object. The followings are five kinds of select method:

◆Click menu【Edit】->【SelectAll】(ShortcutsCtrl+A),selectallobjects.
◆Click mouse to select single object.
◆Select object using select box
Press the mouse and drag, as long as the box come into contact with the object will be selected.
◆Increased select object/minus select object 
◆Select object according to layer color
if you want to know more about laser cutting machine, welcome to consult us!

Post time:March-10-2020