Maintain Customers With Quality

As an old salesman who has been engaged in foreign trade for more than ten years, I have a word from my heart that I want to give to a new salesperson” As for foreign trade, only quality and honesty can maintain long-term cooperation”.

Making a promise  is easy but keeping a promise is so difficult. Once you give the promise then you can get the order easily, but you will lose the customers forever once there is quality problem on your product. You lose not just one order, but even your credit. Maybe what you lost is a big agent. so anyway, pls remember:Maintain customers with quality.

Quality is fundamental to the development of a company. Suppose that the quality of our products fails to meet the promise, it is bound to impact the following cooperation. To sell the new product is impossible, let alone the repeat order. It’s easy to build a castle but tough to guard. So do best for our customers. Quality helps to bring more support as a necessity in keeping further relationship. When new products or items are developed, they may also be the first to support you.

Therefore, don’t always think customers are complaining on the price but try to think about whether you can reach their demands when money is not a question at all and can you keep the cooperation? 


Post time:March-03-2020