Fiber laser cutting machine maintenance process

1. Cleaning of the dust removal device

When the dust removal device of the laser cutting machine is used for a long time, a lot of solid dust will accumulate in the fan, resulting in loud noise, peculiar smell and unsmooth exhaust.

Treatment method: turn off the power supply, remove the air inlet duct and air outlet duct on the fan, clean the dust inside, turn the fan upside down, pull the fan blade, clean up the solid dust and restore it.

2. Cleaning of machine tool dust, support bars, etc.

It is necessary to clean the dust inside the machine tool every week, and use the air gun to clean the dust on the dust cover, drag chain, electrical cabinet and sheet metal inside the machine tool. Clean the air path components inside the cutting head cover and the cutting head. Note that it is recommended to use a smaller air pressure or blow dust from a farther distance when cleaning the cutting head. Clean up the cutting head waste and iron slag on the guide rails running on the worktable to reduce the movement of the equipment exchange table, which is a problem with the chain.

Regularly clean the iron slag of the support bar. Enough iron slag on the work surface will cause the plate to be unevenly placed, shake during cutting, and cause the stability of the cutting plate and the reverse slag on the reverse side. When the long-term cutting of the support table has a large loss, a limit alarm will appear. It is recommended to make the support table in advance and replace it in time.

fiber laser 3kw-12

3. Cleaning and refueling of machine tool rails and racks

The guide rail and linear axis are one of the core components of the laser cutting machine, which play the role of guiding and supporting. To ensure the machining accuracy, the guide rails and straight lines are required to have high guiding accuracy and good motion stability. The laser cutting machine will generate a large amount of corrosive dust and smoke during the processing of the workpiece. These smoke and dust are deposited on the surface of the guide rail and the linear axis for a long time, which has a great impact on the processing accuracy of the equipment. Rack and pinion maintenance.

Open the dust cover to clean the oil and foreign matter on the rack and guide rail. It is recommended to use diesel oil to clean the guide rail box and rack, and then move the machine tool to wash out the foreign matter inside the slider. After cleaning, wipe off excess diesel oil and apply a layer of gear lubricant. Regularly check whether the lubricating oil in the oil pot of the equipment is lower than the alarm line, and add lubricating oil in time to avoid the wear and accuracy of the equipment caused by the lack of oil for a long time.

4. Chiller water change and cleaning

The quality and temperature of the circulating water directly affect the service life of the laser and the cutting head.
Note: The maintenance of the chiller must be carried out after turning off the power of the chiller for at least 5 minutes to avoid the risk of water spray and electric shock. Check the filter screen and heat sink weekly to clean up the dust and foreign objects on it; check the liquid level of the water tank, and replenish water in time when the liquid level is low; dust and decontaminate the outside of the equipment. Quarterly inspection and replacement of the medium (distilled water); check and clean the dirt in the liquid tank to ensure a good cooling effect; must replace the PP cotton and replace the resin tank.

Post time:January-12-2022