Influencing factors of CNC Router speed

1. The speed problem of cnc router is firstly determined by the configuration of the machine itself.Such as the power of motor is small also will impact the speed.The standard configuration of CAMEL CNC cnc router is big power 450B stpper motor to ensure the working speed while machine working,it also have hybrid servo,pure servo option for chose.

2. The use of engraving machine tools

The operator must be aware of common tools, motor speed, travel speed, precautions, etc., and the operator must be familiar with the application of the tool.

3. Application range of materials

Operators must be familiar with the application range of various materials, be familiar with different materials, different thicknesses, and different finished product sizes. Familiar with the different engraving methods of different materials, adjust different speeds for different materials to maximize the engraving speed of the engraving machine.

4. The speed of engraving affects the accuracy of engraving, and vice versa. The higher the requirement for engraving accuracy, the engraving speed cannot be too fast. If the speed is too fast, the bed shake will affect the accuracy. Just like driving a car, too fast can not guarantee safety.


We suggest when you chose a cnc router,just tell our seller your working requirements,we will guide you suitable configuration and give suggestions.


Post time:August-11-2021